If you paid the premium tax credit (APTC) in advance to reduce your monthly payment on a Marketplace plan, you’d have to “reconcile” your 2021 taxes.

Step 1: Make Sure Form 1095-A Is Correct

Confirm that the information on Form 1095-A concerning your health insurance and household members is valid. If something goes wrong, contact the Marketplace call center

Additionally, review your SLCSP by checking out Part III, “Column B” of Form 1095-A, titled “Regular second-lowest-cost Silver Plan Strategy (SLCSP) premium.”

The SLCSP premiums will be incorrect if:

i) Part III of Column B has a “0” or is blank for each month a person in your family had the Marketplace coverage.

ii) You had changes in your family that you didn’t report on your online application, such as having a child, getting married or separated, moving, or losing a dependent.

Note: Get your correct SLCSP premium by carefully analyzing your situation.

Step 2: “Reconcile” Your 2021 Tax Obligations

Review your SLCSP premiums and make sure your household and coverage information is correct before applying for reconciliation.