The coronavirus has restricted everyone to their homes. Working from home, not meeting your friends and loved ones, staying in a toxic household, losing your job, and income source are some of the many reasons why mental health issues are on the rise in these times. Sitting alone at home with no one around can be very tough. During this pandemic, a huge problem has been the increase in mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and stress. If you are someone going through such a case, then you are not alone. To help you in tough times, learn how to cope with depression and anxiety during the pandemic;


Well, you might not understand the importance of it until you start doing it yourself. Journaling or writing down your thoughts is a perfect way to express your feelings. Sometimes, you have a lot going on in your head, which you want to tell people. However, you are unable to do so. In times like these, writing down your thoughts helps you feel better. It makes you feel like a huge burden is off your shoulders. Therapists and counselors themselves also recommend journaling your feelings. This way, you unwind a lot of mess that is in mind. So, take a pen and paper or even make a word document on your laptop and start writing now!


Meditation is very common these days. Those who try it will recommend it to people as it helps in so many ways. Often, we are so busy with what is going on in our lives that we cannot focus on the present. With meditation, you find that peace and calmness and the ability to focus. Choose a quiet room in the house and a time that you can devote to this practice. Make sure you do not have any distractions. Start with a small duration; later, you can do it as long as you want. 

Getting Enough Sleep

We all have this habit of staying up all night to either complete our work or binge-watch some shows. It might sound all good at that time, but the consequences of a messed up sleep schedule and less sleep are worse. When one struggles with depression and anxiety, they find it harder to sleep, so an excellent way to make this situation better is by trying to sleep. Put your phones and laptops aside, try to have zero distractions, and give your brain a break. This way, you can start developing a habit. 

Take Help 

There can be times when things get very overwhelming. It is okay if you feel that way. You can do some meditation, exercise, or write about it. However, a perfect way to address it, in the long run, is by seeking professional help. Counselors and therapists can help you understand your issues and guide you on how to cope with them. A health insurance policy usually covers such expenses, so you do not have to worry about the expenses too! 

Depression and anxiety are prevalent issues, and there is no harm or shame if you are suffering from them. Just like you visit a doctor for your physical health, see a therapist or a counselor, and seek mental health issues help. You can also take care of yourself by practicing a few things, such as writing down your feelings, meditation, talking to your friends, doing some exercise, and getting enough sleep. So, don’t ignore your mental health and do some self-care!