The Health Insurance Marketplace is now open. You can now sign up for a health insurance plan that includes essential benefits, coverage for pre-existing conditions, and preventive care.

The majority of people who seek coverage on the Marketplace will be eligible for a discount of some form.


There are four things you can do before applying.

  1. Learn how to use the Marketplace.
  2. Learn how to pick the best health insurance plan for you.
  3. Get one-on-one assistance while applying for health insurance.
  4. Contact us by phone or live web chat with a question concerning the Marketplace.


What are your next steps?

Now is the time to apply. Start your coverage application in the Health Insurance Marketplace.


Would you want to learn more first? Begin here.

Make contact with us. Do you anticipate getting your hands on some defense? Describe why you think health insurance is necessary. Start a discussion about it with your family and friends. Also, let us know what you think on Twitter and Facebook. Use the hashtag #GetCovered to share your story.